Drug Movement - Determining Third Party Volume by Manufacturer
The following procedure explains how to determine your third party prescription voume for a specific manufacturer. Ontario pharmacies can use this procedure to obtain the volume of ODB vs. non-ODB prescriptions for a manufacturer.
STEP 1: Create a Drug Movement report for the manufacturer
This report provides overall prescription and dollar volume for the manufacturer.
- Open PharmaClik Rx Reports.
- Highlight Drug Movement in the list of reports.
- Press the Next button.
- Enter the report period in the Start Date and End Date fields.
- In the Manufacturer field, enter the manufacturer’s 3-letter code (i.e. APX for Apotex)
- Press the Preview button. (Optional)
- Press the Print button.
Your total prescription volume for the manufacturer is the Number of Rx’s Dispensed in the Gross Profit Totals on the last page of the report. Total Dollar Volume is the dollar value of all prescriptions filled for the manufacturer. Number of Drugs Dispensed indicates how many of this manufacturer’s drugs have been used in prescriptions.
STEP 2: Create a Drug Movement report for Third Party's prescriptions for the manufacturer
This report provides prescription and dollar volume for a Third Party's prescriptions that were filled using the manufacturer’s products .
- If you are in the Preview window, press the Previous button to return to the Criteria tab.
- Ensure the Start Date and End Date are the same.
- Enter the third party's name in the Third Party field (i.e. DRUG BENEFIT)
- In the Manufacturer field, enter the manufacturer’s 3-letter code (e.g. APX for Apotex)
- Press the Preview button. (Optional)
- Press the Print button.
Your Third Party's prescription volume for the manufacturer is the Number of Rx’s Dispensed in the Gross Profit Totals on the last page of the report. The Number of Drugs Dispensed and Total Dollar Volume reflect the number of the manufacturer’s drugs used for the Third Party's prescriptions and the dollar value of all these prescriptions, respectively.
STEP 3: Calculate the totals
To determine the non-TP volume for the manufacturer, subtract the prescription volume from the second report (the third party report) from the Number of Rx’s Dispensed on the first report (the manufacturer’s report).
TP Volume % = (TP Prescription Volume from the TP Report x 100%) / Number of Rx’s Dispensed for the Manufacturer
Non-TP Volume % = 100% - TP Volume %